Friday, 22 January 2010

Salty Sea Shandys

The sun did a detour bypassing North Pickenham completely today. Lazy leaden skies and persistent petty pluie, that even never ending Norfolk skies can't escape, brought on rose tinted remembrance of crisp snow and sapphire heavens. Norfolk Coast found some beauty in the greyness with the familiar bulk bands of washed up razor shells.

Why we don't eat this abundant resource is a mystery, they are harvested widely across the world. They would surely be a contender for Sarah Pettegree's shopping basket as she endeavours to 'eat local' throughout February. This will include her Brays Cottage pork pies from Letheringsett, well done girl - PRtastic! Worthy sentiment living in a food centric part of the world and no one producer is better known than Bernard Matthews, whose turkey sheds now adorn Pickenham airfield, who will stand down as chairman on his 80th birthday this Sunday. Mick and Caron at the Blue Lion are all too aware of food miles, well beer kilometres anyway, serving a local Norfolk ale amongst more regular stalwarts. Everything in moderation, of course. Norfolk is Wells known for fish and chips, my favourite are from Plattens eaten by the harbour wall.

No one thinks this English delicacy is a health food, but nanny Britain has endeavoured to help you despite yourself. Not only will cutting down on the holes in the chippy salt shakers help your heart, think of the muscle workout you're getting sprinkling the sensationally savoury sodium condiment.


  1. The shellfish fleet started harvesting razor fish and exporting them to Spain about 10 years ago, but they were stopped by Natural England.

  2. More on the conflict between fishing and conservation here
